January 6, 2023| 419

MVY Part 150 Information Session – FAA Noise Study

MVY-Newsletter-2_09272023     Newsletter- 1 20231010 TAC Noise Study Presentation 3 20230925_MVY_Part150_PublicWorkshop2_Boards 20231010_MVY_Part150_TAC-3_Draft_Presentation_final MVYPart150_Draft_for_Review MVY-Newsletter-2_09272023 20230425_MVY_Part150_TAC-2_Draft_Presentation_final 20230131 TAC Noise Study Presentation 1 20230131_MVY_Part150_TAC- …

March 19, 2021| 249

Emergency Response Drill

PUBLIC NOTICE EMERGENCY RESPONSE DRILL MARTHA’S VINEYARD AIRPORT SUNDAY MARCH 21, 2021 FROM 1000a.m. – 12noon The  public is advised that there will be interuptions to vehicular traffic and aviation traffic to facilitate easy access by emergencey response agencies. The purpose of the drill is to test and evaluate the prepardness of the Airport and m …

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